Sunday, March 6, 2011

Smallest Number Challenge

Smallest Number Challenge

The purpose of this activity is to help you learn to order decimals with three decimal places.

What you need:
• A set of cards with the face cards and number ten in each suit removed
• 2 small round objects to represent a decimal point, for example buttons

What to do:
Play the Smallest Number Challenge, a game for 2 players.
• Cards are shuffled and placed face down in a pile.
• The first player draws 4 cards and turns these over. They use these cards, and a button, to make the smallest number possible with three decimal places. For example, if the cards 6,8, 5 and 4 are drawn the number, 4.568, is made:
• The next player takes their turn by drawing four cards and using these to make a number that is smaller than the number made by the previous player. They must use all the cards and the number must have three decimal places.
• Play continues in this way until one of the players is unable to make a number smaller than their opponent’s. Their opponent then wins that round and scores a point.
• The first player to reach 5 points is the winner.

• Largest Number Challenge - players have to make a larger number instead of a smaller one.

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